Friday, May 25, 2012

Daysailing through Spring

This spring, Andy found a new toy.  It wasn't long before Peter had to have one too!

First, we helped Andy & Julia bring their O'Day Daysailer down from Reading, PA.  A few weeks later, we found one in New Jersey and they helped us bring that back.  A few weeks later...

Photos of Daysailing through Spring

2 boaters rescued from Delaware River | Video |

Peter and Andy went sailing,  racing their toys, one Friday in May.  When I spoke to Peter on the phone from work, he didn't sound quite himself, but when I asked if everything was okay, he very non-chalantly told me "we flipped the boats" and I'm thinking like they did it intentionally or at least that they were playing around to find out how much it would take to flip them.

I later heard the story: they ran into a wall of wind--later reported to be 26 kts.  Not gusting to 26 but just a wall of wind that they hit coming back up the river.  They said next time they see this, they will turn the other way!!  They both capsized at the same time.  At least they were wearing their harness/life preservers.

Here's some footage from the noon news--my Dad never lets a chat or email go by now without ribbing us to "stay off the noon news" rather than what he used to say, "Remember to keep water under the keel."

2 boaters rescued from Delaware River | Video |

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