Monday, June 25, 2012

And then there were two…

One of the hardest things about putting together any race, rally, raft-up is getting everyone’s schedules to mesh and then hoping nothing goes wrong.  Unfortunately even the best-laid plans go awry and all the boats we thought were coming on the rally dropped off one by one before we left the dock on Saturday morning.  Finally, by Monday afternoon, Al & Patty texted to say that they were not going to continue on the way to Block Island.  After alternator issues, and seeing the storms, they opted to stay put in Atlantic City for the rest of their vacation.

· 2:20 pm, Moon to Full Circle: We ran into some rain last night & storms this am but all’s well. We r 25 miles from marker & expect to be in Block by evening. Hope all’s well there.

· 2:42 pm Full Circle to Moon: Thank god. We were worried the storms looked so bad.

· 4:04 pm Moon to Full Circle: Yeah it wasn’t too bad. What about u guys? How far did u get? Everything still working? Be safe!

· 4:07 pm Full Circle to Moon: We r anchored in ac and the storms just stopped some were bad. We are not coming to block island we r going to hang out here. Have fun be safe.

· 4:22 Moon to Full Circle: Totally bummed to hear that. Put Al on! Just kiddin’! If that works for u guys…Just have fun~ that’s all that matters! Keep us posted if u change yr minds!

· 4:26 pm Full Circle to Moon: I know. Sorry we will let you know if things change. This is happening for a reason. We love you guys.

· 4:34 Moon to Full Circle: Right back atchas! Peter is napping~ when he wakes up he may try to work on Al! In the end u gotta do yr own thing! Just make sure to have FUN!

The thing is, they couldn’t have known it then but they actually wound up experiencing weather far worse than what we encountered on the way up.  We missed having them there at Block Island and we all would have had a lot more fun if they’d have made it…hopefully next time…

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